Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Snow! All around North America, its been a pretty snowless winter. Some people are excited by that, because the cold, bleak winter is a tough time for them and the less snow, the more they can deny winter exists. For me though, its tragic. Snow is one of my favorite things, and winter is probably my favorite season. Im just not built for the beaches and heat. Sunburns suck, sand doesnt do it for me, and the heat is just tougher for me to handle. The cold though, especially up in the mountains, is invigorating. The hush, the electric cold tingling your lungs with every breath; soft fluffy powder (you NE folks will just have to imagine what I mean) and vistas unrivalled. Yes, I was meant for the mountains. So imagine my disappointment when Im eagerly waiting for a huge storm to blow in, skis in hand, and it never happens. After the massive amounts of snow we had around here last year, it was torture. I had resigned that  this would be the year we had no winter. And for a long time, it looked like I would be right. We in the outdoors club even called off our Winter Circus trip this weekend because, well, it didnt look like there was going to be any winter! But if theres one thing to describe Bostons weather more than terrible (no offense New England, just not my scene), its weird. And weirdly enough, on the first day of March we had our first big-ish snowstorm. Of course now school is in full swing and Im running full-tilt to try and get things done to graduate in June (eeep! real world! yikes!) so theres no way I can sneak off to the mountains for a few runs. Grumble grumble. Of course all things in due time, and maybe next year when I have a real-ish job I can spend more time out in the mountains that I love. Heck, if I could do that for my job, thatd be a dream come true. I cant imagine an engineering position that would be more fulfilling to me right now than designing climbing and ski gear for someone like Black Diamond, who is based out of Salt Lake City a.k.a Park City UT. Fingers crossed. But since I wont be out and enjoying the slopes this weekend and thus not transferring that experience to you vicariously, youll have to make due with this video I made but never got around to posting from the end of IAP: Snow! I returned back to campus on December 29th, and as the Amtrak approached Boston South Station, I spotted snow on the tracks! As I stepped off the train, I was greeted by a gulf of freezing wind. I mean literally freezing. I took the T to Kendall, and after exiting the station, I realized that it would probably be in my best interest to take the tunnels instead of freezing and trying to make my way through snow-covered sidewalks. I had yet to master the tunnels and navigate through them on my own, so this was going to be one interesting adventure. I had been down in the tunnels with friends a few times before, but as a directionally-challenged person (read: I can still get lost with Google Maps), I wouldnt trust myself to find my way on my own. Thankfully, though, there were a few signs leading the way to main campus. But there werent always directional signs. Some hallways and walls looked somewhat familiar, though, so I trusted my intuition and hoped for the best. I made some wrong turns that lead to dead ends, but I somehow managed to find my way back to the main path. And somehow I made it to the other side of campus. Somehow. But as I exited Lobby 7 and headed towards Burton Conner, I reached another dead end where the cleared walking path suddenly just ended. I backtracked a bit until I found a detour to the road and walked along the street instead. But I eventually did make it back to my dormand, most importantly, in one piece. I immediately crashed when I got back. Snow is stressful. The next morning, I felt adventurous and decided to explore a snow-blanketed MIT with my camera. I dug out all my snow and winter gear and bundled up from head to toe. Here are some shots: Ready for some exploring.   Burton Conner from the Memorial Drive entrance, featuring some snow.   Walking/running path along the Charles River.   A foggy Boston skyline. Kresge Auditorium. Hayden Library.   A quote I found in front of Hayden that I had not seen before which reads: I am firmly convinced that the future of this nation and of the world for that matter depends in no small part upon the young men of the United States and that if they receive proper training in boyhood and youth through education, mental recreation, wholesome educational entertainment and coordinated physical training and more than all if in addition they be fostered and encouraged in the matter of right and proper living and the principles thereof properly inculcated to the end that they may be kept from evil environments and guarded against baneful influences, we shall rear a nobler race of men who will make better and more enlightened citizens to the ultimate benefit of mankind. Charles Hayden, 19 August 1933. Green Building. Outside Building 6. Pano of North Court. Killian Court (and, as always, construction in the background).   Building 7/Little Dome. The next evening it snowed ever so slightly, just light snowfall. But then in the next few nights the snow started to gradually melt away. As of right now, there isnt much snow cover left, but its still pretty cold. On Tuesday, it literally reached single digits (in Fahrenheit). I stayed mostly indoors the entire day. Now, its back in the 30s and 40s. Apparently on Sunday it might reach 55 degrees. And then itll probably get cold again, and then who knows. Like is it winter or is it not? Side note: Congrats to yall who applied RA! Its crazy to think that I had submitted my MIT app just one year ago. Best of luck, and, in the meantime, enjoy your last semester of high school and keep on being your awesome selves!

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